A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

rolling down a hill minigame for twitch chat

based on the great cheese rolling pastime and born out of shindigs' twitch chat and streams

!play or Joel in the connected twitch chat to join when in pre-game.

peepo crowd costumes and knives by his talented discord community. knives spawning for the winner should be the one you have equipped on shindaggers.io (if you have one) thanks to chandyman's api (newer knives may be missing). with shindigs logos by @tigrlilly

bunch of random godot stuff thrown in as another learning project, not really meant for wide use.

(if the database is online) chatters can design their peepo here

control scheme in the image below:

space bar starts a round, / resets it (or use  the menu button)

ctrl+# saves a free cam position, then # returns to that saved camera position

p, [, and ] are shortcuts for the visual settings filters and end key quits the game


  • this is a bit of a shitpost with a narrow intended use case, so there's bound to be some breakages
  • physics may start to slow down around 100(?) chatters due to collision bones

some other cool stuff used:


cheese_v0.3.x86_64 80 MB
cheese_v0.3.exe 87 MB

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